Owner of a stallion with suspected colic gives Protechmasta Fixed Neck Rug the thumbs up

Owner of a stallion with suspected colic turned to Protechmasta for support

A customer of ours recently found ‘Be’ her Chestnut stallion, lying flat and unable to move in his paddock.  It was an evening of stress as he did not look good, and as you will know it’s never a positive sign when a horse is lying down flat and can’t get up.

Many people will also tell you that if a situation crops up and it is a stallion that is involved it is bound to be extreme. Stallions are known to not do anything in half measures.

It was initially suspected that he had, had slight colic and was being very dramatic about it because he can’t handle pain. In the end, the diagnosis was that he had slept too long and simply couldn’t get up because he had lost blood flow and circulation

Getting circulation going

Our long standing client called her vet through.  No one had any idea of what could be wrong and affecting Be so badly. It was decided to warm him up in the meantime and his Protechmasta Fixed Neck Rug was brought out and put onto him.

Reportedly within five minutes Be started getting some mobility back. Before the vet left, he had managed to get back up and stand on his own. By the next morning, he was perfectly sound and walking around as if nothing had happened.

“It was initially suspected that he had, had slight colic and was being very dramatic about it because he can’t handle pain. In the end, the diagnosis was that he had slept too long and simply couldn’t get up because he had lost blood flow and circulation.”

Be’s owner and the vet say that this is probably why the fixed neck rug helped him so much.

“My daddy gave the humans a fright and racked up a huge vet bill all because he slept to long”


Protechmasta products make us of Far InfraRed (FIR) that emits thermogenic radiation in the form of heat which is perceived by the thermoreceptors in the skin as radiant heat. “Not only is Far Infra-red (FIR) absorbed by the body, it also emits FIR in the form of black body radiation. FIR also can be described as biogenetic radiation. Its therapeutic effect is the result of excessive blood flow.

The positive heating impact reduces muscle tension and, favourably, pain perception due to an increase of endorphin secretion.” (Chambers, S. 2017). Protechmasta products contain a special ceramic powder that is blended with the yarns of the lining fabric. Ceramic both emits and reflects Far InfraRed (FIR) rays designed to deliver thermal radiation effects. It is this effect that helped Be warm up and regain circulation and mobility.

Protechmasta Fixed Neck Rug


When you increase the blood flow throughout the body it creates heat, which helps with muscle, tendon and ligament elasticity.

Independent studies done on Protechmasta products showed that using Infrared products during warm-up helps transport more oxygen to the working muscle. This helps with performance and also improves metabolism, enhancing nutrient uptake and transporting it to the rest of the body. All this activity causes heat and it’s important for keeping the body protected from injury, lowering stress, improving work rate and stabilizing the heart rate.

A stable heart rate has positive effects on stress and efficiency levels. When the heart pumps more regularly, blood transports all the oxygen and nutrients at an even pace. This improves the overall saturation of blood to the correct area of the body.

Be’s heart rate was also stabilised with his stress levels lowered which assisted in a quick recovery for the stallion.

Stable core body temperature has a direct effect on skeletal muscle, tendons, and ligaments. Being too cold or changing temperature too quickly creates weaknesses and so increases the potential for injuries or in Be’s case immobility.

it’s simply a great product

Protechmasta has a wide range of products for riders, horses and dogs. They have been created with this special ceramic weave in all their garments and accessories. Also found in all products are the soft and absorbent air mesh fabric to help wick away sweat from the skin as well as air pockets to help with heat regulation throughout.

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