The foundation we feature this quarter is the Highveld Horse Care Unit. Gillian, the owner of Steed & Style, is passionate about the work this foundation does, and you will soon see why. The Highveld Horse Care Unit is committed to assisting horses and donkeys and their owners throughout Southern Africa. Established in 1991 it is the largest Equine Welfare organisation in Southern Africa.
Helping people understand the practical implications of proper care is one of the ongoing responsibilities the Highveld Horse Care Unit takes seriously. Through education, the Highveld Horse Care Unit aims to improve the quality of life of working donkeys and horses in rural areas and townships all over Southern Africa. Some of the topics covered in the Outreach Clinics are general equine welfare, feeding and care, the importance of correct trimming and shoeing, harnessing, vaccinations, pest control and deworming.
However, training and education don’t stop with the owners. The Highveld Horse Care Unit visits schools and educates children about the lives of working animals, what horses and donkeys need and why proper care is essential. The Unit Team also train staff in Government Agricultural Departments on the importance of equine welfare and all it entails.
Trainee Veterinarians and Animal Health Technicians are encouraged to get involved in the outreach programmes, clinics and educating the public at large. This gives the Trainees the opportunity to use and share their skills and knowledge while gaining practical experience in Equine Veterinary Care.
Horses are kept for many other reasons as well, for example, sports, recreation, or security patrols, including public, private and government facilities. The Highveld Horse Care Unit Inspectors conduct regular inspections to ensure the continued well-being and welfare of horses and donkeys throughout South Africa.
Animal neglect and abuse
The Highveld Horse Care Unit relies strongly on the public to report cases of abuse and neglect. A qualified Equine Inspector will then be sent to investigate and potentially confiscate the horse or donkey if necessary. The Highveld Horse Care Unit Inspectors are qualified to initiate legal action against the owner of a horse or donkey in terms of the Animal Protection Act. In the case of working horses and donkeys, since these animals are often the owners’ only source of income, the HHCU tries as hard as possible to assist and educate, working alongside the owners treating the horse or donkey and providing medical care. Sometimes it is necessary to admit an animal to the Clinic at The Unit for treatment. Depending on each individual horse or donkey, they will then be returned to their owners after recovery.
Finding new homes
At any given time The Highveld Horse Care Unit have around 40 horses and donkeys waiting for loving homes. Some of the horses or donkeys were surrendered to the Unit as their owners could no longer care for them; others were picked up as strays or confiscated. A large part of the work that the Highveld Horse Care Unit does is finding new homes for retired racehorses. Many thoroughbreds are brought into the unit every year, they are evaluated and checked by a Veterinarian before being rehomed and given a second chance at a new career.
The following highlights some of the success and value of the Highveld Horse Care Unit over a one-year period:
Annual facts and figures
• Number of horses and donkeys assisted: 9 000
• Average number of animals stabled per year: 1600
• Number of equines de-wormed: 7 000+
• Number of equines vaccinated: 800+
• Number of provinces where clinics are carried out: 7 provinces (including Lesotho)
• Educate the owner of every horse or donkey assisted.
• Teach horse owners how to shoe their horses correctly.
• Hold workshops for hundreds of owners, teaching them how to better care for their working animals.
• Hold gelding and dental clinics in underprivileged areas.
• Care for an average of 40 horses at their base on any given day.
While facts and figures are impressive, a picture can show you so much more. These photographs are a sampling of Highveld Horse Care Unit’s success stories. It demonstrates the significance of the incredible work they do.
BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES of our mascot- Alfie. He was confiscated at the end of June this year in a terrible state. He has a heart murmur so will never be re-homed; he will live his life happily at the HHCU, creating awareness for this amazing cause.
a before and after of Keisha (she was hobbled to a tyre in the township – we found her at 2 years old, she is now looking great and ready for a new home and loving family)
Please visit the Highveld Horse Care Unit on Facebook (@HighveldHorseCare) and Instagram (@highveld_horse_care).
The Highveld Horse Care Unit depends highly on donations from the public and organizations to maintain the wonderful work they do to improve the quality of lives of many donkeys and horses in Southern Africa.
Steed & Style is committed to not only selling quality horse riding equipment but also support the rescuing of these animals, their treatment and educating owners. For the months of November and December, 5% of each sale will be donated to the Highveld Horse Care Unit.